What's on | Making assessment decisions | Content

Better understand the judgment-making process

This workshop acknowledges students’ entitlement to valid, reliable, and fair judgments about the quality of their evidence of learning. The judgments that teachers make can affect student learning outcomes, influence students’ learning experiences, and impact on their future pathways, so it is both a professional and a moral imperative that teachers increase their assessment literacy in making judgments about evidence of student learning.

This 3.5-hour workshop is designed to help teachers better understand the judgment-making process so that they can make informed and evidenced-based decisions about student work, ensuring that assessment is transparent.

What will I learn?
Discover more about holistic and analytical judgment-making processes.
Enhance your grading and aggregation practices.
Appreciate the relationship between constructs in the curriculum and selection criteria.

This workshop will cover:

  • the central role of teachers in assessment
  • subjectivity in assessment
  • recognising and managing potential biases
  • the importance of transparency in assessment
  • different types of assessment
  • holistic and analytical judgment-making processes
  • constructs and selection criteria
  • reflection on grading and aggregation practices.

Jascha Boyce

Jascha Boyce is a founding member and company director of Gravity & Other Myths (GOM), the Adelaide based acrobatics and physical theatre company. Jascha has recently launched Pulsing Heart, a creative studio crafting immersive activations and participatory art installations.

What's on | Making assessment decisions | Session timetable

  1. Session Time


  2. Registration - Quartet Bar

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